Band Names 12/26/21


7221. The Implorening

7222. E-Blunderbuss-Unum

7223. Datin’ Ohio

7224. The 2nd Coming of Santa

7225. Booty Judge

7226. Fertile Liza

7227. Santa’s Sack

7228. Surely Hemp Fill

7229. L’il Lummox ‘n Oafy-G

7230. Pentupatonix

Band Names 2/18/19

banned 6


  1. The Eyesores
  2. Tellin’ It Like It Ain’t
  3. It’s Reigning Selectmen!
  4. Inna Key ‘a G-Spot
  5. The Encroachers
  6. Aquaman’s Acumen
  7. We Are EveryKyle
  8. Sing! A Pour!
  9. Wednesday Addams & Thursday Howell the 3rd
  10. Dudegina


see 84 more here


newnite 35



20 New Band Names – March 27, 2018

banned 6


  1. The Extremely Fake Smiles
  2. Ass Fault
  3. Typhoid Lenny
  4. Hugh, Becky, Stan
  5. Erect Shun
  6. A Man Of “Let Her”s
  7. Jason & Al & Dean
  8. Under House Duress
  9. Cloudy With a Chance of Shut the Fuck Up
  10. Woemen
  11. The Decisionings
  12. Zendaya’s Gram
  13. Cock Pot
  14. Go – Nah Must Stay
  15. Sanctimonious Shitstorm
  16. Bond: Kyle Bond
  17. Meow Say Tongue
  18. Christ: Kyle Christ
  19. Oh Golly I Miss Molly (The Drug)
  20. Sacroskank


all my shit yo

see 84 more band names here


Band Names 5/15/17



  1. The Photo Synthesizers
  2. King Dumb Cum
  3. Exponentially Inconsequential
  4. Greta’s Van’s Cistern
  5. When Toast Goes A Rye
  6. Meadow-Malarkey
  7. Dissin’ Terry
  8. Oh Feel Ya
  9. What’s Boring as Fuck in Vegas Stays Boring as Fuck in Vegas
  10. Jizzlepuss

see 84 more here





  1. The Titillationings
  2. J’recuse!
  3. See Alice For Men
  4. A Couple ‘a Thruples
  5. Unresting Bitch Face
  6. We Can’t Handle the Truth
  7. Deepocket Oprah
  8. Ramparts & Shit
  9. One Of These Kyles Is Not Like The Other
  10. Clogjam
  11. The Incendiary
  12. Erectile This Function
  13. Sue Aside
  14. The Middle of the Week
  15. Bedside Manor
  16. St. Elmo-From-Sesame-St’s Fire
  17. Chicago Ill Annoy
  18. Bob Eucharist
  19. We Promise Not To Operate Heavy Machinery
  20. Cornhenge

see 84 more here












Band Names 12/18/16

View More:



  1. The Sugar Plum Fems
  2. Abra Cadaver
  3. Greg You Gain Us
  4. Make America Separate-Fountainy Again
  5. Suck Seed
  6. Hallowed Be Our Name
  7. War And/Or Peace
  8. Beep I Am Extortion-Bot
  9. More Important Than Shipping: The Handling!
  10. MegaGyver


see 84 more here


















About My Band Names

profilumblogI started writing comedy band names back in the 90’s. My goal is to put out a novelty book called “2000 Band Names,” which, in 2004, someone at Ruttledge Hill Press was interested in before it was ready (he longer works in the biz). I am now ready to write this book. I’ve written over 6000 comedy band names. Here is a random sampling:

  1. The Automotive
  2. Tony’s Extrava-Danza
  3. The Xylophone-It-Ins
  4. Breakdancing Bad
  5. Glacial Hooker
  6. Pepper: Dine
  7. The Faux Apoplectic
  8. Missile Crotch
  9. I Did Not Inhale With That Woman
  10. Heterogloben
  1. The Nasal Sprays
  2. Seismic Clown
  3. Hope’s Chest
  4. Jazz Hands Across America
  5. Crunch Stank
  6. Tacitoid: The Taciturn Robot
  7. Wendyyy Go
  8. Plastic Silence
  9. Meanwhile Down at the Foundry
  10. Cataclydesdales